Our couch surfing appointment was not too far from Uzes. Another beautifully maintained town with an actual Duke whose family has owned 'The Duche' for a thousand years. We'll probably get to meet the Duke at some point because the family that was to host us, worked for the Duke. When we arrived on the property the hostess met us and we became fast friends. The reply to Monique's question of "Do you like living here?' was "What do you think?" Kent
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Last week just before Wes, Angie and Lilly came to visit from England, we traveled south on a business trip for Monique. I was driving so we got lost. As you may know we are keeping our eyes peeled for a 'Place'. We looked up from the map and there was this great fixer upper that might suit our needs. We are searching for a property that we can call 'Sipapu.'
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monique's brother Jean invited Monique's Mom his brother Daniel whom you already know and us to have dinner with him and his wife Dominique. The dinner was absolutely remarkable and the host and hostess were perfectly attentive to our pleasure. However after a sautern, pouilly-fuisse, and a chateauneuf du pape, we were ready to sing. And sing we did. A fun time was had by all. Kent

We went to the Clockmaker's window to find out his hours. Through the glass store front we saw him way in the back of the store, a light shinning on his head and hands.There was no door. A note told us to knock on the window. Which we did shyly. The second time with a little more boldness. A small man dressed in black roused himself from his work and crossed the store momentarily disappearing from view only to reappear at a non-discript side door, whose entrance he blocked with his small frame, but formidable personality. We didn't realize until later that the content of my project would be intriguing enough to qualify as a password into his atelier...behinnd the glass window. Somehow all very mysterious, in an ancient guide sort of way. He said he would give it some thought once I send him some drawings. But he went on to caution me that he had a backlog of about two years. I said, "Fine" Now M. Franklin from Boulder said to me that sometimes things can be taken as an ivitation to investigate. I was intrigued by the title of the store, "L'Horloger de Saint Paul". When I looked it up on the internet, I found out that it was the title of a 1974 French film, that took place in Lyon. The clockmaker of the film finds out that his son is involved in some shady business, even murder. I began to wonder was there a connection between the new clockmaker and the movie. He said good bye in such a strange manner. More later.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Yup The French National Holiday/Bastille Day was the 14th of July. I thought I would post some historical perspective on the day. That was before I tried to sift through thousands of years of French history leading up to what is seen as the symbolic uprising of the modern nation of France. I LET IT GO! Suffice it to say that the French really throw huge parties on this day. Go to Youtube and type in July 14th 2009 Paris. We were in Oullins on the 13th, Monique's parents home town, which also hosts an evening of fire works. We were kinda stuck behind a tree,and traffic, but it was still very cool. Ironically on the 14th, it rained thundered and lightninged, so much so in Lyon, that they had to cancel a huge annual show which attracts people from miles around.The people came. The fireworks didn't. The fireworks were supposed to be shot off from Fourviere, a very impressive catherdral on the hill above the old city. Check that one out on Youtube.(2007)I took some novice like photos from Oullins' and superimposed Fourviere on top. Kent
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First of all to avoid copyright problems, the logo in the corner is not mine. I do not take credit for it. O.K.
Jess, my eldest daughter had a birthday on the 3rd of July. This is the birthday card for her. Black and white photography has always been about drama/contrast. In Jess's life she has had much drama and struggle. But what I find impressive about her, is her ability to see the irony of her situation and laugh at it from th bottom of her soul. A quality that my sister also shares. So in keeping with the theme I took the color photo of her changed it into a black and white one to match the struggling figures in the background from the Ufizzi in Florence. Then I thought of the black and white T.V. shows of the 50's. It seemed natural then to think of dramatic shows. The first one that came to mind was a black and white horror show called 'The Twilight Zone". 'The Twilight Zone' signed off the air by returning control of your television set to you. In my opinion Jess could look at the Twilight Zone as a comedy.

A few days ago Monique and I had a wonderful meal with Daniel, her brother and his family.Daniel lit a fire, using some wood that he bought at the store. He was a little upset that the wood was not ready to use as coal? So he lit the wood, I'm guessing to flavor the fish he grilled. He pulled out this pump contraption that that I thought was a fire extinguisher. I was wrong. It was an air pump. To my surprise he sprayed air on the fire to turn the wood into coal quicker? They have a nice property outside of Lyon. They have more than enough space for a swimming pool. As usual I took many photos. When I loaded them on my computer and looked at them I thought wouldn't it be ironic to put Daniel cooking in the middle of his swimming pool with a fire extinguisher. But what became more interesting to me, is that I labored under the false conclusion that Daniel didn't want to be in any pictures. So I put a black strip across his eyes to protect his identity. Then I was told after the fact that he was kidding. But I liked the questions that this image raises.
Sunday, July 12, 2009

This birthday card, which is for Thor, will take some time to explain. The first time I met Thor, I liked him instantly. The meeting was of course preceeded by family anicdotes about his globe hopping antics. None of that mattered as much as that first measure of him. Yes I was impressed with the fact that he spoke several languages,with his math prowess and his musical acumen. But with that first measure, I said "Well, here is a guy that has done some work on himself".
As time went on, I noticed that he practiced his mission. What I also found remarkable about Thor was that everyone wanted a piece of him. He would blow into town, often unnannouced, like a midnight whirlwind. He would spin us around with his energy and just as suddenly would vanish off to India or Berlin. He and my eldest daughter, Jess who is just six days older than he, are cut from the same cloth. The intensity of their lives is enormous.
Now, Thors birthday card.
I typically start these compositions with the background first, as if it were a symnbolic stage. I have thousands of photos on my computer, and am adding hundreds each week. And even though they are organized in titled files, it doesn't matter that much. I still have to search for the right one for the subject.
When we visited Rome a couple of years ago, we visited the Pantheon,a building which could be a couple of thousand years old. It hosts an oculus in the center of its dome. Basically a twenty two foot hole in it's roof, which is open to the rain and sunshine. These elements can fall unhindered through the vast space to the floor below. Oculus also carries the connotation of, 'eye' of the gods.
In my original photo, light shines through the eye and and illuminates the textured side of the dome like a spot light or a beam of light on the wall of the retina. This illumination I wanted for the card. Second I found the sun of Nice, the first 100 prime numbers, and an image of Thor at Pepe's and Meme's house. Thor is rubbing his nose which was broken for him in a brawl. I placed all that behind the eye of the hole. Inside the dome, a shadow of Thor's head in the spot light. (this took two hours)
Then a couple of giant soap bubbles from Angie and Wes' going away party for us. Appropriately yet unintentionally they turned into party balloons. And I swear to you that it came around full circle. Because, because, Originally the reason that I took the picture of the Pantheon was not because of history, but rather because a childs helium filled ballon had gotten away and floated to the top of the dome, and became stuck in the texture. I thought at the time it was just another photo of irony. Have you ever made bread from scratch? Happy Birthday Thor.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
We are on Sype. We talk to Monique's kids all the time. It's free and fun. However it's a bit of a time juggle. There is an 8 hr time lapse between Lyon and the Republic of Boulder. Depending on how you look at it, we are either in the future or the past. The nice thing about Skype is that it puts all of us in the present where we should be.
Here is a shot of Olivia, Ryder, Monique and me.
You know how important it is for us to look good,we get dressed up to take out the trash. At any rate here I am posing in a restored courtyard in Old Lyon. Nice eh?! However yesterday while I was also posing in the doorway of the laundramat, a bird shit on me. Two women saw the whole thing happen. The one who owned the 'mat' gave me a wet towel to wipe myself off. 'Merci mille fois'. I tried to explain to the other women in french that,my girlfriend said that when a bird shits on you, it means good luck! She looked skeptical. She pointed to me, then pointed to the washing machine. It was clear that she meant that I should get in.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Fete Du Quartier
Another festival called the 'Fete Du Quartier' of Old Lyon or Neighborhood Festival, happened the next week after the fete de la musique. Each neighborhood put on a festival. Since we are presently living in the old part of the city we decided to volunteer to help them get ready for the party. Our task was to stick hundreds of flowers to the cobble stone streets that would eventually lead to the huge square in front of Saint Jean's Cathedral, where dozens of tables were set up for neighbors to share food. In typical French fashion each family brought at least two bottles of wine. Corks were poppin' everywhere. Earlier that afternoon one young man came to a screeching halt in the middle of a narrow street so that a flower could be stuck to the side of his car.
Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm sorry to say that on July 3rd Monique's dad passed on. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, three children, grand children and many friends. Monique will have more to say later. But for now here is an image that I'm offering to the memory of Pepe.It may seem kind of odd to feature an image of Pepe drinking champagne, but this was one of the last photos that I took of him and the toast was to his health. It was a celebration. He had already assured us that after the operation, he would be happy either way. 'Rest In Peace' Pepe.
Friday, July 3, 2009

Hey Yaya
'Fete De La Musique' is a nation wide French music festival. Every year 'The Fete' occurs on the same day, which is June 21st. It first began about twenty-five years ago. Monique and Francoise were there for the first one. Music can and does happen on every street corner. This year we are of course in Lyon.

This ia Daniel, Monique's brother who mananges a restaurant. We were invited to share lunch with him and the people he works with. We had a great time. every person was from a different place in the world. Algeria, Ivory Coast, Spain, Tunisia, Moroco. Daniel is camera shy and didn't want to be in the picture. You can imagine what a challenge this was for me as an artist. So I tried to show what kind of person Daniel is by his reflection in other peoples attitudes.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
New routine
Well as expected it did not take long for the pounds to piled up on our out of shape bodies. There is no resisting the wonderful pastries and multitude of delicious and enticing dishes and wines.
So as they say one needs to make the best of a situation and use the resources at end to make the necessary changes. We know we cannot give up the good food [why else be in France!] so I thought it would be a good idea to increase our physical activity and use the abundant stairs in our neighborhood as equipment.
We live at the bottom of a very ancient hill so on every block there is a long staircase going all the way up to the big cathedral and its gardens.
So today first day: 230 steps. We are starting slow but in the process of our outing we discovered wonderful buildings, cobbled streets, monasteries, etc..just amazing. It certainly is incentive to keep up with our new exercise routine.
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