Well as expected it did not take long for the pounds to piled up on our out of shape bodies. There is no resisting the wonderful pastries and multitude of delicious and enticing dishes and wines.
So as they say one needs to make the best of a situation and use the resources at end to make the necessary changes. We know we cannot give up the good food [why else be in France!] so I thought it would be a good idea to increase our physical activity and use the abundant stairs in our neighborhood as equipment.
We live at the bottom of a very ancient hill so on every block there is a long staircase going all the way up to the big cathedral and its gardens.
So today first day: 230 steps. We are starting slow but in the process of our outing we discovered wonderful buildings, cobbled streets, monasteries, etc..just amazing. It certainly is incentive to keep up with our new exercise routine.