Thursday, October 8, 2009

When entered the foyer of th gallery the entire floor walls and ceiling were covered in this blue and white floral motif. I thought would it be fun to cover it in something else. This is how a series is born. My friend Virginia G. said always do ten in a series. I try to do that.

Some of the ideas in the gallery could be shocking to some. I thought it apropos that patrons had to cross a yellow caution line before entering.

The man handcuffed to his own ankle was one of the most intriguing pieces. I really took these photos of the gallery goers.

both the column of taggers and the girl photographer are not real

Biennnale De Lyon

This weekend we had to travel to Lyon to take care of several items of business. One being to stand in line for two hours with a hundred other immagrants, only to wait inside for another couple of hours, only to be told that my cartes de sejours is in Paris and that I would have to come back in Nov. Christophe and Peggy were having a house warming party and a birthday party for a couple of Monique's nephews. One of whom I will call "The Parisien". We also spent 3 days with our new friends Michelle and Marcel. On one of those days, while monique went to visit her mom, the three of us went to one of the biennale art expositions. First we caught a boat that dropped us off at the door step of the museum which used to be an old sugar factory. Marvelous space. Once inside we were bombarded with 'ideas'. I was inspired. Here are some photos. But only a few because their web site is so much better.

Amazing People

My amazing daughter and her equally amazing boyfriend Jon, (where are the grandkids?)recently sent me a letter to give me an update on their activities. They spent a month in California where they were the guest speakers for two of Tony Robbins Life Mastery Workshops. Then they traveled to Colorado Springs, where they met with the USA Olympic swim team who was interested in their methods of whole body training. Before they left Colorado they went to visit a place where they rehabilitate wolves. Here's a photo of Jon howling and touching one of them on it's back. I wouldn't expect any less from these two.