Well, after many wonderful good bye parties and final hectic days of wrapping up the ties of our american life we are on our way to our promise land,our future in France and hopefully our dream farm, Sipapu.
I am leaving the US with much humility as I never imagined 15 years ago that I would meet so many wonderful and talented people and would have such an opportunity to manifest a vision of care and compassion. I had brought with me many preconceived ideas and many biases and quite a few have been torned down by the dedication and intelligence of the many people I have worked with. I am not sure how to talk about the frienships I have developped at the Drop-in Center from the people I set out to help when in deed I am the one who ended up receiving the most. It is truly a precious gift that I will carry with me always.
Enough of the deep staff as we want to keep this blog light and fun but I cannot omit mentioning the true joy of our life, our beautiful, crazy and amazing family with it's most amazing caracters and colorful gatherings. We are only expanding the ties of love over the whole planet!
And to all our special friends: thanks for your help and we hope you'll make plans to visit soon.